Saturday, February 28, 2009

Scripture Study Assist and Health

Sister Sandee McKinlay discovered an excellent website, She says, "You can set up a reading schedule and it will email you your assignment for the day or you can log in and read and mark scriptures and make notes. There is a journal feature along with other features. There is an audio feature you can use for your daily assignment. I have just signed up so don't have a lot of input. In the agreement it implies charges may be applied, but the following link states there will be no charges, but you can make a donation. You can also sign up to receive a newsletter. Thought this would be great to look into for those of us who are on or work on the computer a lot!" It might be something to check out!

On a gardening and health note...
Shawna Jackson notified us that Larry and Kathy Beidermann are throwing away a dumpster of horse manure every week, so they said it is up for grabs if anyone wants it for their gardens, etc. Contact them if you are interested.

Also, Norm Jackson did some research into fulvic acid for gardens, animals, and human consumption. There are tremendous benefits, so he ordered a case because it was cheaper that way. He has three extra gallons for sale. Each is $65. That was what it cost him. You can dilute it one to ten for your gardens, and he has the info for the human consumption. Contact Shawna and Norm Jackson if you are interested.

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